We all start our days the same way. We wake up.
Our thoughts begin.
Where do yours go right away? Is it to the to-do list, the demands of the day?
Or do you spend a moment to bring your thoughts towards inspiration? Towards the beauty and vibrance that you are constantly creating in the world around you.
Discovering and remembering that spark of inspiration in those first waking thoughts creates a spectacular tapestry. Thread your mind into a weave that brings forward everything you are grateful for, for the riches of your life. It may take practice to shift into this new way of waking, but the beauty is that you get to watch your life shift as your thoughts do…
“Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.”
-Albert Schweitzer
How will you begin your day?
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