Last month, I wrote about connecting with the moment and connecting with others, and now I’ve come full circle with you.
I’m going to start off being clear- this is not about being self-obsessed or self-absorbed. Who has time for that?
Connection with self is something deeper, more substantial.
It is about connecting with the core of who we are, our dreams, wishes, and deepest desires.
This can be something that you do on your own, over the course of a weekend, or it can be done in a moment, surrounded by people. Here is a simple process that can get you started with this:
1- Become mindful of the moment. Begin to recognize and allow that the present moment is the only one that you have any choice in. You can do this through your breath, by savoring different sensations, by cultivating gratitude.
2- Accept that what exists at this moment is a result of past choices. Resist the temptation to beat yourself up about those choices. Own them, and recognize and accept any emotions that come up for you.
3- Allow yourself to tap into what you want to create as part of your experience by asking yourself some questions:
- How would you LOVE to feel?
- What parts of yourself would feel wonderful to express?
- What are you needing more of in your life?
- What can you begin to let go of, or say ‘no’ to?
- Are you pushing down any emotions or experiences because they scare you? What might happen if you gave them a voice?
4- Listen for the answers. Be still and quiet so that you can feel the answers. Recognize that while you may have thoughts that come in, really listen to your body and the way your body responds to those thoughts so you can find your truth, (if your stomach tightens when you consider your emotional truth- there could be room for exploring there; if your heart opens as you consider feeling more inspired and joyful, get curious about that).
5- Commit to doing something about it. If you find that you want to feel more joy or meaning in your life, explore that. Read a book, talk to people. If you have emotions you need to express do so in a way that respects the person who is listening or work with a therapist or coach in finding an effective way to do so.
Always remember to be curious about the process. Explore ways to connect with yourself. Resist the temptation to judge what you discover. And whenever you can, lighten your spirit, so you can find the joy in it.
If you want to take a day for yourself, to learn more about how to nurture and connect with yourself on a deeper level, consider joining me for a day retreat. Reach out here and we can begin.
Where will you start? Just decide on one simple step and begin.
Have fun connecting!
xo Kalia
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