Your body whispers to you in a multitude of ways. At first, it’s very subtle, a little zing in your knee or a flutter in your gut. When you are running around keeping up with pace of all of it, these subtle signals can be ignored. It’s easy to over ride the signals your body sends.
So you go along your busy way, pushing yourself, doing more, taking care of business, when suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, your body demands that you stop! When you don’t listen to the subtle cues of those quiet body whispers, you will end up getting yelled at.
7 days ago, maybe it was just a hint of being tired, the faintest fogginess in your brain.
3 days ago, perhaps you woke up with a kink in your back, the pep in your step nowhere to be found.
You pushed through those signals, convinced that if you could just get through the next week, the next to-do list, the next mountain of paper or laundry or dishes, then you would finally take a moment to rest.
“But no”, your body screams to you. When you didn’t listen to the whisper 7 days ago, or the yell 3 days ago, your body decided to get out the bullhorn and make sure you stop and listen. Your screaming body may have symptoms all it’s own, but sometimes it’s a cold or a flu, perhaps a crippling headache or an impossible kink in your back or neck.
You know your bodies’ scream, it’s what happens when you can’t not listen.
You just need to learn a little more about the way it whispers, or maybe even how it yells.
My body whispers with a pinch between my shoulder blades, a slight tightness in my neck. I also notice it gets harder to sleep at night, and I burp more, (sorry, TMI – my digestion has a voice too ; )
There is always more to learn with this one. When you feel healthy, maybe you feel invincible, and when somethings not right, when your body is screaming at you, the only thing you can think about is how much you want to feel better. “I’ll never take my health for granted” you may think to yourself… and then you feel better and the memory of your screaming body slowly fades.
“One who has health has a thousand wishes, one who does not has but one”
I love your lesson on listening to how your body whispers to you. Yes! I don’t pay any mind to that whispering…or yelling…till it’s screaming. And yes, screaming sounds/feels like “I just want to feel happy, feel better again.”
Thank you for reminding me to listen to my whispers…
Love you!