You hear about cleanses all time the time. Maybe you’ve done them, maybe you shun them. Maybe you think it’s a good idea, and that “one of these days you’ll get around to it”. I’ve seen people get great results…
De-stress with Flighting
Our bodies are incredible. They adapt and adjust to what we give them… To a point. Stress, when built up and chronic, leaves us tired, sick, and overweight. The next time you feel stressed out- whether it’s from your own…
How to know when it’s time to shake it up
It happens to everyone eventually. You’ve got your routine set. You dialed in your habits so that they support you in feeling your best, with enough energy and inspiration to do what you want to do with this wild and…
Why more of this is NOT a good thing…
It’s everywhere. We can’t escape it. The amount of information that bombards us, promises us what we want, shocks us into reading more of it… So right now, this moment, Take a break. Take a breath. Put down the information…
The Power of Breath
The other day I was driving home with my son from school and I let go of a big breath. He asked me what was wrong, thinking that it was a sigh, or a sign of irritation. Possibly it triggered…
How your body whispers
Your body whispers to you in a multitude of ways. At first, it’s very subtle, a little zing in your knee or a flutter in your gut. When you are running around keeping up with pace of all of it,…